What’s happening at Church?

Our in-person Sunday Worship Service is at 10:30AM in our sanctuary, and the video-recording will be posted here each Sunday. Other church programs and ministries are conducted in-person, online, or hybrid.

We welcome everyone. All our services are conducted only in English.

missed our 100th Anniversary on November 2?

click to check out our Photos, Video, and Anniversary Booklet PDF

Sunday Morning Worship Service

March 9, 2024 10:30AM

Watch on YouTube

Announcements - March 4, 2025

1. This Sunday, Pastor Mark preaches "How can I fix broken relationships?" with Colossians 3:12-14 as Scripture. Communion served.2. CCC Sanctuary Upgrades. A committee consisting of Tom Fong, John Yu, Matt Fong, Merrily Wong, Adele Din, Randy Fong, and Dan Fong has been collaborating with interior designer Bernadette Chiang and architect Darryl Chinn on concepts for multiple upgrades to the CCC sanctuary. After several meetings and drafts, they would like to present their recommendations and are seeking input from the church family at a presentation after Sunday refreshments on March 16, 2025. Please plan to attend!

2. We are pleased to announce that CCC will partner in prayer and financial support in a new Sports Ministry program with Japanese Evangelical Missionary Society (JEMS). The goal of the program is to create recreational activities to share the Gospel, partner with local churches in reaching their communities for Jesus, and provide opportunities to serve others and fellowship with Christians from different churches. Scott Shimada, former Youth Pastor at the San Lorenzo Japanese Christian Church, shares his love of sports and love for Jesus as the new Sports and Outreach Director for this ministry.

3. We are happy to announce our new Lifesong Praise Fellowship, a music ministry to help spread the Gospel.  Starting this Thursday (!), March 6th, we will meet on the first and third Thursdays of each month, 7:00-9:00 PM, at church. For more info and to sign up, visit the Lifesong page here on our website.

4. We are pleased to remind everyone of our church’s Wong Family Hope Fund, a resource that can be availed of by church family members and friends needing (limited) financial assistance. To learn more, visit our church website's Hope Fund page for an overview and to access the Guidelines and downloadable Application Form.

5. Reminder from Pastor Louis:  

Super deals on Kings lower corner tickets!

Boston Celtics @ Kings, Monday 3/24, 7pm (total of 20 tickets left!) Lower corner section #110, rows N-Q

Bonus Gift - “Beat LA” hoodie (size M or XL) available only via group sales ticket purchases. (Will be distributed at the game on 3/24 at your seats.)

Retail price $285. Your price, just $160!!  (Payment using PayPal required < 1 hr after buyers receive confirmation from me)

 Contact me ASAP at AsianPK@aol.com or text me at 510.461.1143. (Please forward this info to family/friends, but please no postings on social media!)

 (All ticket sales are final, no refunds or changes. Absolutely no resale on any online source such as eBay, Craigslist, Stubhub. All Kings tickets are transferred electronically only. You must have the free Kings app on your phone and have your ClickTix account joined with your Ticketmaster account.) 

*Violation of this strict rule will cause me to lose any future opportunity to purchase group tickets for Kings games.

Our Weekly Church Programs

Sunday School: Grades Preschool (potty trained) - 12th: 9:30-10:30 AM

Children's Church: Grades Preschool (potty trained) - 6th: 10:30-11:45 AM

Men's Bible Study - Tuesday, 7:00PM.  Email Pastor Mark at revmark1410@gmail.com for more information.  

Women’s Bible Study – Wednesday, 7:00PM. Contact our sister Adele at adeledin@yahoo.com.

Pickleball Fellowship @ the Gym, Sundays, 1:30-3:30PM. Contact Patty Fong at pfongdds@gmail.com to sign up.


This week's Scripture –

“I tell you, whoever publicly acknowledges Me before others, the Son of Man will also acknowledge before the angels of God." – Luke 12:8, NIV

Ponder –

"When circumstances look their worst, instead of reacting to God’s silence by turning our back on Him, can we draw closer to Him?" – Suzanne Elizabeth Anderson