Pastor’s CORNER

May 7, 2024

"A Mom’s Impact"

Hi, I’m Pastor Mark, the new Interim Pastor at CCC. As you know, Mothers Day is coming in just a few days. My mom had a huge impact on my life, in every way. We can look back and see the impact of moms on great people down through history. Proverbs 31 describes such a mom.

Consider Susannah Wesley, who had 19 kids! She faithfully prayed an hour each day for them. Plus, she trained them in spiritual matters. No wonder John and Charles Wesley were used of God to bring blessing around the world.

Here are a few of Susannah’s rules as she raised her kids…show each child how to walk with God and work together with Him... Teach them to pray as soon as they can speak... Model and teach good manners... Never allow a rebellious act to go unchecked, but always praise and reward good behavior… Keep your promises to the kids!

Maybe your mom wasn’t as disciplined, or as spiritual as Mrs. Wesley; but I’m sure your mom at least wanted you to learn right from wrong and live a good life. Let us honor our godly mothers- and grandmothers- on Mothers Day, not only with words of praise for them but with lives that reflect the impact of their holy influence!

Pastor Mark Rathe

April 2, 2024

A Letter from Pastor Mark to the CCC Church Family:

“Dear church family,

Hello and greetings from Pastor Mark and Carol! We are excited to begin our work with you as interim pastor starting April 1. We have prayed for you since we heard of this opportunity, and I believe good things are ahead for CCC.

I have lots of experience as a business owner, Pastor, and leader. But of course, every church situation is different and a key truth of Christianity is that we trust in God’s Spirit and His resources, not ourselves alone. Amen?

God always uses people, and it will be great to see how He uses our church leaders- and you, the church family - as we prepare to begin the next 100 years for CCC together! My goal is to be a ‘bridge to the next pastor,’ and help guide our church through all the steps along the way.

[Redacted] I want you to know that I will be here for you on Sundays, Sunday afternoons, and probably at least one weekday. But you don’t need to wait until those days to reach me- I will be available to you by phone or email. You will see those numbers printed in the bulletin and church literature. Much of my work will be done remote from home, but as time allows, I would also like to visit you and get to know you better personally or answer any questions you may have.

My first request of you is that you will pray for me. God never intended for pastors to run a church alone, all through the Bible we see God using teams and groups to accomplish His will. So I will need your prayers. Also, pray as we begin this series starting in April, about how we take steps closer to God. Pray also for who you can invite to come to this 5 week series that introduces the Christian life. Because I believe people need ‘a friend like you and a church like ours!’ Will you pray with me about those things?

I hope you’ll come up to me or Carol and introduce yourself so we can begin to put names and faces of the CCC family together.

God bless you and I hope to see you this Sunday!

Pastor Mark”

February 2024

A Personal Note from Pastor Louis Lee to the Church Family:

Dear CCC Family,

Due to my health struggles, I have made the difficult decision to end my role as the part time interim pastor. This coming Sunday, February 25, will be my last in person Sunday worship service.

I thank God for the joy and blessing of serving as your pastor in three time periods over the past 15+ years (2009-2019 as the full time permanent pastor, 07/21-03/23 as a part time interim, and 09/23-02/24 again as a part time interim). Though I have served at ten different churches since graduating from seminary in 1979 (3 as a permanent full time pastor, 7 as a part time interim pastor), CCC has definitely been the longest and most enjoyable.

While it is always difficult to say goodbye, we have certainly had a lot of practice! This is actually the third time we are saying farewell to one another.

Praise God for all of you who continue to serve our Lord faithfully as you live out the mission statement of CCC, “To better experience and share God’s love.” Thank God for all who have served and continue to serve on the Consistory as well as the PSC (Pastor Search Committee).

I hope to see some of you this coming Sunday Feb. 25 at the worship service and the informal fellowship time following the service. If any of you would like to add a personal note or photo to the wonderful farewell photo album done by Patty (Tom) Fong five years ago when I first retired in August, 2019, please place them in an envelope with my name on it and give it to any of our church leaders. It would be especially nice to hear from any of you who came to CCC after 2019 as well as some notes/photos from the basketball program, the PickleBall fellowship, etc.

I look forward to seeing many of you at the CCC Centennial Celebration which will happen later this year.

In the love and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Pastor Louis

December 2023

            One Christmas gift we would all be blessed to receive is peace. Peace in our homes, our nation, our world. Many think of peace as the mere absence of external conflict and strife. But the peace that God provides through faith in Jesus Christ exists internally in our hearts and souls and can be experienced no matter what may be happening around us.

            We hope you can join us at CCC on December 17 Sunday at 10:30am for our annual Christmas Celebration Sunday. There will be special music and participation by our Sunday School kids. I will bring a message on God’s peace and there will be several gifts for our guests.

            We also hope to see you at CCC the following Sunday, December 24, at 10:30am. We will not have our traditional separate Christmas Eve Candlelight Service in the evening this year but will instead incorporate aspects of that service into our Sunday morning service on December 24.

            I trust all of us will focus on the real meaning of Christmas during this busy month. Let’s remember that Christmas is all about God’s great gift of His Son, Jesus Christ, who died for our sin and rose from the dead.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

“Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,  “Glory to God in the highest Heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom His favor rests.” (Luke 2:13-14)                                               

                                                            Pastor Louis Lee

November 2023

 “Some Things Never Change, Thank God!”

            We live in a culture that seems obsessed with change. Everything is advertised as “new and improved.” Companies change their names (Comcast to Xfinity, Facebook to META, etc.). Obviously changes for the better are welcomed by all. But sometimes it is the lack of change, a steadfastness, consistency, that we can appreciate the most. We all appreciate the unwavering love and support of our family and friends. 

         The greatest source of unchanging love and encouragement is found in our faith relationship with God through Jesus Christ His Son. Unlike even our closest human sources, God will never change even if we do, even in the worst of circumstances. Jesus promises He will be with us “always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20b). The love, grace, mercy, and peace of Jesus toward us will never change. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8).

        This Thanksgiving season, let’s thank God for His unchanging loving Presence for all who simply trust Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. In a world full of changes, thank God for providing a firm foundation to live our lives!

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”   (James 1:17)                                                                           

                                                                                    Pastor Louis Lee

September 7, 2023

Apology From Pastor Louis!

For those who heard my sermon in person or later online from Sunday, Sept 3, 2023, please accept my sincere apology for something I shared in that sermon. I was sharing a "personal confession" about my plan to enjoy a particular Sunday during my retirement where I was planning to watch worship service online instead of going to my usual in person worship service in order to watch both the 49er's and Raiders football games aired on public network channels (I ended cable TV early during COVID). Although I tried to make clear this would be a rare occasion for me to miss live worship service, I later realized this was a mistake that I need to correct. 

Ultimately, all of us will give an account for our lives to our Lord and Savior for every thought, act, and decision we make in our lives (Romans 14:10; 2 Corinthians 5:10). It will not matter what everyone else thinks. It will only matter what God thinks. (Please note, this judgment seat of Christ is not for our salvation or possible loss of our salvation. It is in the context of rewards for Christians.) But when we stand face to face with the Son of God who died for us, do we want to seem ungrateful for all He has done for us? God's incredible love and grace should compel us to please God in every aspect of our being.

As a Christian leader, I need to set a better more consistent example for others. As much as I enjoy watching live football games on TV, I cannot justify missing even one live in person worship service just to watch a game at home on TV. So instead, I have decided I will still plan to worship live and in person at a nearby church with my wife and come home and try to watch the later afternoon game. 

Please understand I am not judging anyone else and whatever decisions they make about similar situations. But for myself, the importance of live in person worship and fellowship opportunities must take priority over simple hobbies and personal interests. (To those who cannot attend live worship due to disabilities, thank you for taking the time and effort to watch worship online.)

Finally, I think we all understand there may be special times where we miss live Sunday worship for special times with family and friends, or because of work. Even these situations are subject to our own personal conscience before God.

Thanks for your understanding and forgiveness.

Pastor Louis

Easter 2023

Springtime is all about new life. Flowers blooming, trees budding, nature coming alive again after the deadness of winter. Easter is also about new life. Jesus Christ rose from the dead after dying on the Cross for all of our sin. God offers us forgiveness of all our sin and a whole new life through spiritual rebirth. We can embrace this amazing gift of God through simple faith and trust in Jesus Christ. Trust that Jesus is God’s Son who died for our sin and rose from the dead. This is the simple gospel (“good news) of Jesus Christ. (Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-5) “For God so loved the world, He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)

It has been my joy and privilege to serve as pastor of CCC from 2009-2019 as the full time permanent pastor, and then again from 2021-23 as the part time interim pastor. This past month the PSC (Pastor Search Committee, consists of the six current Consistory members, three most recent Consistory members, and myself) unanimously voted to invite Pastor Jon Reyes to serve as the full time interim pastor of CCC starting April 1, 2023. Praise God he has accepted this offer. 

My last Sunday at CCC will be Sunday March 26. However, I will continue to serve in a very limited capacity as a church consultant behind the scenes primarily with Pastor Jon Reyes and the Consistory.

Saying goodbye is very difficult since we have shared so much of God’s love together through all the ups and downs of life. But I leave knowing God has provided an excellent new pastor who together with the Consistory and CCC family will continue to better experience and share God’s love. 

Please welcome Pastor Jon Reyes and come worship at CCC on Easter Sunday, April 9, 10:30am in the CCC sanctuary. Enjoy special music, children’s program, and refreshments afterwards.  

“We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father,  we too may live a new life.”  (Romans 6:4)

- Pastor Louis

January 15, 2023

Is Racism Still A Problem in America? Yes and No!

Monday, January 16, 2023 is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. I appreciate the truth of one of his most well known quotes that we should judge based on the content of our character rather than the color of our skin. There is much Scripture that supports this statement such as 1 Samuel 16:7 - "The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”

Is racism still a problem today in our nation? Unfortunately, yes, and it always will be. However, it is not because of what some call "institutional racism." The narrative of the liberal media and far too many leaders that America is more racist now than ever is simply not based in reality or factual history. 

I believe racism is and always will be a problem in our nation because it is an expression of the struggle with sin that all of us have, not just one group of people. It is part of our human struggle with sin that all of us have times when we show partiality (bias) based on race, gender, age, socioeconomic status, etc. We have thoughts, attitudes, and actions that reflect this partiality in positive and negative ways. We are tempted to treat some people better or worse based solely on some human distinction that has nothing to do with that person's character, 

Consider James 2:1-4, "My brothers and sisters, believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ must not show favoritism. (2) Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in filthy old clothes also comes in. (3) If you show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say, “Here’s a good seat for you,” but say to the poor man, “You stand there” or “Sit on the floor by my feet,” (4) have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?"

If we are honest, all of us will realize we have all been on both sides of the sin of bias and partiality. When we are the receiving side, or victims of another person's sin of partiality, as Christians we must apply biblical commands and principles of forgiveness. (See Ephesians 4:32 and Matthew 18:15-35)

But when we are on the other side of bias, where we are guilty party who sinned against someone else, we need to apply biblical commands and principles of confession and repentance. (See 1 John 1: 8-10 and James 5:16)

By God's grace our nation has made tremendous strides to counter the wrongs of our past. May we as Christians living in this blessed nation strive to be more effective as God's salt and light, to better experience and share God's love. May our thoughts, attitudes, and actions reflect those of Jesus Christ who died for all of our sins and rose from the dead. 

January 10, 2023

A Note from Pastor Louis:

Pastor Louis’ Car Need

Dear CCC Family,

My 2014 Ford Focus hatchback currently has about 92,000 miles on it and is in relatively good condition. It is an automatic, four door hatchback, good a/c, and relatively new tires. However, I just learned it needs some major transmission work that would cost almost $3000. Since this is not worth my investment, I am looking for a reliable used car to purchase. My preference would be any compact size car that is a hatchback, but anything reliable would be appreciated.

Please let me know what you might have with some basic info (how many miles on it, the year and model, etc) and how much you are asking. Apart from the transmission problems, the Kelly blue book would be about $4000. But with the transmission work needed I would sell this car for just $500 possibly to someone who can do the work themselves as a project car? It is still drivable but has noticeable problems shifting gears.

Please email me at if you have any info on a possible car or a possible buyer.


December 29, 2022

Save More To Give More!
Years ago God helped me come up with a simply stewardship approach: "Save More To Give More!" Many of us like to save money via bargain hunting and other means (hopefully legal!). But what is the purpose of this saving? Part of it of course is so we have more to save toward other personal needs. But there is great blessing when we determine to give more as we save more. Jesus said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive." (Acts 20:35) We can give a portion of what we save to help those in need, or to give to Christian ministries or various non profits that serve our community. Over the decades, God has enabled us to greater multiply our giving by following this simple approach.

Here are a couple of ways we can save more to give more -

1. Share memberships like Amazon Prime, Netflix, Hulu, etc. in accordance with the rules and regulations of that company in regards to sharing your membership.

2. Share mobile phone services.

3. If and when we shop garage sales, flea markets, etc. look for great deals on items not only for ourselves but especially for others  who are financially challenged.

4. Use airline (hotels, etc) credit card deals (especially intro offers) to reduce our own travel expenses.

5. Shop for our clothing and other items at thrift stores like Eco Thrift, Salvation Army stores, garage sales, etc.

I realize this is not for everyone, but personally I have asked my family members to give me cash for birthday and Christmas gifts. I use this cash to shop at garage sales and thrift stores all year long which I enjoy (obviously not for everyone!) and it allows me to use the majority of the funds to buy things that bless and help others. (This also saves time and energy for them vs. buying me something.)

Of course, we can all save more by simplifying our lifestyles, downsizing, and lowering our standard of living. Spending less in general frees us to give more. Perhaps we could utilize a combination of these ways of saving more to give more?

I'm sure many of us can testify to the truth and reality of Jesus' words that it really is more blessed to give than to receive. May all of us experience more of this blessing in the Christmas season! - Pastor Louis

