THE wong family HOPE FUND

The Wong Family Hope Fund is a resource to be used after the family or individual requesting assistance has looked into other probable sources of help. It is intended to be a last resort in a time of crisis and not a source of financial income and billed expenses. Assistance from the Hope Fund is intended to be a one-time gift. In unusual circumstances, the Wong Family Hope Fund Committee may decide to help more than one time. As the financial situation of the recipient improves, the recipient may choose to help replenish the Hope Fund.

A Lifeline in Crisis

God refers to the church as the body of Christ and reminds us: "If one part suffers, every part suffers with it..." - 1 Corinthians 12:26a (NIV)

As members of the body of Christ, we have a responsibility to each other, in sickness and in health, in poverty and prosperity, in isolation and community. We continue to encourage and care for one another.

What is the Wong Family Hope Fund?

It is a gift intended for emergency financial assistance to be used when the family or individual requesting assistance has explored all other possibilities of help from family, friends, savings, or investments. It is intended as a source of last resort, a temporary help in a time of trouble, and not a source of income for monthly and routine expenses. The gift shall not exceed $2500 per person or family.

The fund was created as an expression of praise and thanksgiving from the Wong Family in recognition of God's amazing love, grace, and mercy in healing Merrily Wong from her leukemia. 

For more detailed information about the Wong Family Hope Fund, please click and read the Guidelines (below).

Who is Eligible for the Wong Family Hope Fund?

Recipients may be Chinese Community Church members, regular attendees, or members of the community who have been recommended by a CCC member. Consideration will be given to all special needs due to emergencies, unforeseen circumstances, or other special care-related situations. Funds will cover critical items such as housing, food, essential clothing, medical treatment, essential transportation expenses, utility bills or essential childcare expenses.

Payments from the Wong Family Hope Fund will be payable to the third party to whom the applicant owes money. Funds will not be distributed directly to the applicant.

How Do I Apply for Assistance?

An Assistance Application for the Wong Family Hope Fund must be completed by downloading the Application Form (below) and submitting it per instructions on the form.

The applicant will be required to submit proof of need, such as an eviction notice, utility turn-off notice, etc. Note, the amount of the award may not be equal to the amount requested.

On receipt of the Emergency Assistance Application, the Wong Family Hope Fund Committee will evaluate the provided information and will make every effort to process the request within ten business days. The Committee will maintain confidentiality regarding the request.

Distributions from the Wong Family Hope Fund will be made without regard to race, color, beliefs, national origin, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, gender, citizenship status, veteran or military status, and/or age.